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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sultan Ali Keshtmand (17th Prime Minister of Afghanistan) GREAT HAZARA

       Sultan Ali Keshtmand, born May 22, 1935 in Kabul, was an Afghan politician. He served twice as Prime Minister during the 1980s, from 1981 to 1988 and from 1989 to 1990 in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

      Keshtmand was born in Kabul. He is a member of the Hazara ethnic group. He studied economics at Kabul University and became involved in the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan. He joined the Parcham Faction of that party, which was led by Babrak Karmal. He sought and received political asylum from the British Prime Minister John Major. He lives in the UK.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Special edition of eid Qurban (جوک عید قربان)

Special Eid Greetings

این دو سه روز رو رژیم بگیر تا لاغر شی که انتخابت نکنن! اینو به بقیه گله هم بگو.
عید قربان پیشاپیش مبارک

عید قربان نزدیکه، این جماعت براشون گاو و گوسفند فرقی نمی کنه... نگرانتم!

از امروز 3 روز بیشتر زنده نیستی... از فرصتی که داری لذت ببر گوسفند عزیز!
پیشاپیش فرا رسیدن عید قربان رو بهت تسلیت می گم!

این روزا خیلی مواظب خودت باش... جونت در خطره... ممکنه سرتو ببرن...
این اس ام اس رو برای گوسفند های دیگه هم بفرست.
پیشاپیش عید قربان مبارک

عید قربان نزدیک است تا می تونی علف بخور قیمتت بره بالا

عید قربون پارسال که در رفتی، امسال چیکار می خوای بکنی؟

تا حالا فکر کردی اگر خدا به حضرت ابراهیم امر می کرد به جای پسرش زنشو قربانی کنه این مراسم هر سال با چه شکوهی تکرار می شد؟

عید سعید قربان لغو شد !
ستاد روحیه دهی به گوسفندان

عید قربان، پر شکوه ترین ایثار و زیباترین جلوه تعبد در برابر خالق بر شما مبارک باد

Saturday, November 13, 2010

General Musa Khan Changaizi (Great Hazara)

        Today I wrote about great hazara General of Pakistan Army.                                                   (General Mohammad Musa Khan Changaizi) 
 He was the eldest son of Sardar Yazdan Khan, born in a Shia Muslim, Hazara family hailing from Quetta, Pakistan. Khan was from the Sardar family of the Hazara tribe; a tribe native to Balochistan, Pakistan. He was a "Naek" (Junior Non-Commissioned Officer) in the "106th Hazara Pioneers" who went to train at the Military Academy in Dehra Dun as a cadet and graduated with the first batch of the British King's Commissioned Officer on 1 February 1935.

       He served with distinction in the Pakistani Army and rose to the rank of the commander in chief of Pakistani Armed Forces during President Mohammad Ayub Khan’s regime (1958–1969).
( I studied engineering in same college for 2 years.)
So What do you Think about him ? (leave comments)
Or if you want to know more about him visit :  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musa_Khan

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Business Quotes by the Businessman Carlos Slim Helu

When you live for others' opinions, you are dead. I don't want to live thinking about how I'll be remembered.
Carlos Slim Helu

I've always said that the better off you are, the more responsibility you have for helping others. Just as I think it's important to run companies well, with a close eye to the bottom line, I think you have to use your entrepreneurial experience to make corporate philanthropy effective.
Carlos Slim Helu

In this new wave of technology, you can't do it all yourself, you have to form alliances.
Carlos Slim Helu

The richest person in the year 2010

Carlos Slim (born January 28, 1940), is a Mexican business magnate, philanthropist and the chairman and CEO of Telmex.
       As of April 2010, he is the wealthiest person in the world with a net worth of around US$60.6 billion.

       Slim was born in Mexico City, Mexico. His father, Julián Slim Haddad, a Syriac-Maronite Christian, immigrated to Mexico in 1902 from Lebanon.
Give your comments about him.
If you want to know about him visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Slim